
Swelling in the legs is a common problem and can be painful. It is caused by fluid building up in your legs due to injury or underlying medical conditions. Your body compensates for the extra fluid by tightening up blood vessels in your limbs, which restricts blood flow and can cause an increase in pain.

Warner Robins leg swelling from injuries is usually short-lived, and you might need to give your leg a rest while it heals. However, if the swelling lasts longer than a week or keeps coming back after resting, it could be a sign of a more serious condition, and you should speak with your doctor immediately.

Categories of leg swelling


Leg swelling can be broken down into three different categories. They include acute, chronic, and recurring. Acute leg swelling typically occurs suddenly due to injuries like ankle sprains or knee strains. It usually goes away within two weeks without any intervention required on your part.

Chronic leg swelling is less common than acute swelling and can last anywhere from two weeks to months at a time. Chronic leg swelling can be caused by deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or other clotting disorders that cause blood clots to form in the veins of your legs.

Recurring leg swelling refers to repeated leg swelling and can be associated with many underlying conditions, including liver or kidney disease, heart failure, and cancer. However, not all cases of recurring leg swelling are caused by a serious health condition. Lifestyle factors such as fluid retention due to sodium intake and lack of exercise can also cause swelling in the lower extremities.

What are the causes of leg swelling?


A number of conditions can cause it, including venous insufficiency, which is the inability of veins to return blood to the heart, the lymphedema-a buildup of lymphatic fluid in the tissues, cellulitis, an infection in the skin, or underlying tissue. Certain cancers, such as lymphoma or leukemia, and edema or fluid retention.

Obese people are at increased risk for leg swelling. Other factors that may increase your risk include being female, having varicose veins, having a family history of lymphedema, having a weakened immune system, and having certain types of cancer.

Swelling in your legs can be painful and make it difficult to walk. Left untreated, it can lead to ulcers, infection, and a loss of function in your affected limbs.

How is leg swelling treated?


Though several different issues can cause leg swelling, in most cases, the treatment is the same, which involves addressing the underlying cause. Some conditions that trigger leg swelling include heart failure, lung disease, pregnancy, lymphedema, peripheral arterial disease (PAD), and varicose veins.

Leg swelling is typically caused by either a blockage or a buildup of fluids in the body’s tissues. The resulting edema, or swelling, can be slight, moderate, or severe and can affect one or both legs. If you have this condition, it is critical that you speak to Middle Georgia Vascular Surgery Center & Vein Solutions experts.