Marilyn Monroe is one of the hottest and cutest celebrities who lived in the Hollywood. These days the plastic surgery is very common. But when someone hears about Marilyn Monroe plastic surgery rumors it is tough to believe. It seems the rumors and speculations are simply makeovers. However, we will examine the plastic surgery case of Marilyn Monroe and see if the world class beauty of Marilyn Monroe was actually made or was natural.
Marilyn Monroe was epitome of natural beauty until her death in 1962. She was then 36 years and her unadulterated sex appeal and spellbound beauty was overwhelming to many other celebrities. Many other peers envied her natural charms. But after many years the rumors are finally coming about the Marilyn Monroe plastic surgery. The plastic surgeon Norman Leaf of Southern California came forward with the X rays files and doctor notes of Marlyn Monroe and posted them on the internet.
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This became quickly popular among the internet users. There were some inconsistencies in the records which started to rise Marilyn Monroe plastic surgery speculations. Many believe that Marilyn had an implant in the carved bovine cartilage and nose job. But plastic surgery in 1960s was not as developed as it is today. Again her face was looking perfect without any signs of plastic surgery disaster.
There is no hardcore evidence to the support the claims of Marilyn Monroe plastic surgery. All we can do is look at the old before and after pictures of Marilyn Monroe and judge whether she really had surgical changes on her face. As far as plastic surgery is concerned we are not convinced that plastic surgery rumors about Marilyn Monroe were true. Indeed she had a great beauty at that time and unfortunately we lost her at the young age.
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Following the release of the doctors note and X-ray files on Marilyn Monroe plastic surgery procedures, it have left fans and the entire entertainment industry quite shocked and it also prompted Sarah Maria who is a body expert as well as the author of love You Body, Love Your Life to wade in on the topic. She disclosed that when it comes to Hollywood, there isn’t any such thing natural beauty.
She further went on to say that what Hollywood is all about or interested in is how appealing you look at that moment and also your glamour. What this means in essence is anything that is termed natural in the Hollywood industry has already been “perfected” just to fit in. Also, reputable plastic surgeon Dr. Gabriel Chiu also said that for Marilyn Monroe to hide her plastic surgery shows how times have changed in the entertainment industry.
He also went on to state that if all of these information have been let out before the death of Marilyn Monroe then it would have come as a much bigger shock. No matter the case right now, Marilyn Monroe plastic surgery shouldn’t have any negative impact on her legacy before she died because she must have had good reasons for her actions.