
Your heart is the engine that allows the body to function correctly. When the engine is faulty, a vehicle may be unable to move the same case with the heart. A faulty heart will lead to bodily complications and other diseases like stroke. When you experience irregular heartbeats where your heart beats faster than it should, you are a good candidate to visit an Upper East Side atrial fibrillation specialist for a checkup. The doctor has extensive experience treating irregular heartbeats to help prevent the patient from developing other conditions. Here are facts about atrial fibrillation you must know before booking your appointment.

1. Not Everyone Recognize They Have Afib

Patients experience different symptoms. Some common symptoms include shortness of breath, fatigue, chest pain, and lightheadedness. Some people experience minor symptoms, while others may have more obvious ones. After treatment, some will only realize that they had a condition that made them uncomfortable. That is why regular doctor’s visits are necessary to identify these problems before it is too late.

2. One Way of Preventing Afib Is Managing Risk Factors


Atrial fibrillation’s risk factors include smoking, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. The doctor always emphasizes managing these risk factors by maintaining a healthy weight, controlling chronic conditions, and avoiding too much smoking and alcohol. However, there are some risk factors that you may be unable to manage, such as age and if the Afib is hereditary. However, living a healthy lifestyle will minimize the disease risk.

3. Afib Is the Major Cause Of Stroke

Patients with atrial fibrillation have a high chance of having a stroke. Indeed, 1 out of 7 people with Afib will develop stroke. This is because when blood enters the heart’s upper chamber, it may form clots that may get to the brain, blocking the smooth flow of blood. People who suffer a stroke due to Afib condition suffer more since the heart is not in its proper condition. Keeping your body healthy and ensuring you go for checkups can help protect you from these problems.

4. Different Treatment Options Exist


There are different options for Afib treatment that exist depending on the conditions that exist in a patient. Some patients only require medications to control the condition, while others need more intervention. Those with Afib who have also suffered a stroke may be placed on blood thinners to help control the condition, plus medications for the Afib. There are instances where the doctor may use a catheter or surgical ablation to treat Afib where medications fail to work or have side effects.

The heart is an essential body organ that requires utmost care to prevent complications. Patients have lived with Afib without realizing it due to few symptoms and therefore see no need to seek treatment. However, if you are experiencing fatigue and shortness of breath, you should get diagnosed with a possible Afib condition. At Upper East Side Cardiology, the team has experience managing and treating the condition to ensure you live a healthy lifestyle. They will diagnose and formulate a treatment plan that suits your needs, including checking for the availability of other conditions. You can begin by scheduling an online consultation or calling their office today.