
Facial scarring is common after successful skin cancer removal. Other factors can also cause facial skin scarring and other imperfections that affect your appearance. The treatment involves a serious procedure that has some potential risks. Therefore, it is critical to understand the qualifications for the treatment and the possible risks involved. Working with your doctor allows you to determine if you are a good candidate for facial reconstruction. Fortunately, facial reconstruction Scottsdale specialists can evaluate your skin concerns to draft a good reconstruction plan for you.

The following information can help you make an informed decision about facial reconstruction moving forward.

Being a Good Candidate


Factual reconstruction has been found to rejuvenate facial appearance, boosting the confidence and self-esteem of patients. However, it might only be suitable for some. You must lead a healthy lifestyle with less drinking and no smoking. You must also be eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly. Additionally, you must have realistic expectations about your facial reconstruction. You can be disqualified from facial reconstruction if you are obese or have certain medical concerns that increase your chances of complications.

Risks Involved

Any surgery involves some potential risks. The anesthesia used during your facial reconstruction can pose several risks, but nothing you cannot manage. You are also at risk of complications such as infections, bleeding, and fluid buildup once the procedure is over. You must be careful and work with your doctor to evaluate every risk involved in the process to come up with relevant mitigation measures. Understand that benefits must exceed the risks to proceed with the operations.

Financial Planning


High chances are that a facial reconstruction surgery will not be covered by insurance. Surgery can be costly, and making proper financial plans in advance is crucial. Consult your doctor to understand the total cost of the entire process. Also, contact your insurance company to discuss ten surgery payments. Your insurance might compensate for partial costs, especially if your procedure is related to your health.

Finding the Right Provider

Facial reconstruction is a sensitive operation that requires exemplary skills and experience. Finding the right person for the job might be a hustle, but not when guided. It is important to work with certified providers meaning that their qualifications are verified. Also, ensure you visit the provider’s website and evaluate the before and after photos. Although you might not entirely depend on the photos, they can help you understand what the doctor can do. Ensure you consult different specialists and settle only for the one you trust and feel confident about.

Preparing For Surgery


It is critical to schedule a facial reconstruction consultation appointment with the doctor you choose. Discuss what you can expect during the treatment, including potential risks. Most importantly, ask about the necessary steps you can take to ensure the process runs smoothly and levels of complications are minimized. Your doctor will send you home with special preparation instructions you must thoroughly follow. You might need to make recovery plans in advance since you will need ample rest after your treatment.


Facial reconstruction recovery should be straightforward when you follow your doctor’s instructions. Follow the specific guideline for taking care of your incisions, resting, skipping strenuous activities, and getting back to your activities. Also, ensure you put in all mitigation measures as advised by your doctor to minimize the chances of complications.

Facial reconstruction can restore the beauty of your face. Contact the Arizona Ocular and Facial Plastic Surgery specialists today to earn more. Book a consultation appointment online or make a call right away.