
Summer camp is a great way to give your child the opportunity to grow up in a supportive environment and socialize with peers. Parents usually work a regular schedule throughout the summer season, and it’s not easy to give extra time to your child. If you are unable to organize a meaningful vacation and look after your kid during the day, we recommend sending your child to camp.

School vacations – the most beautiful and carefree time for kids, but for parents no less problems: “What to occupy the kid? How to spend this time usefully?”. Many children are simply busy with “nothing.” They spend their time aimlessly on the street, inhaling exhaust fumes in the dangers of the big city, or are at home 24 hours a day, playing on the computer.

We offer a great alternative – children’s camps. In whatever camp you decide to send your child: sports, health, creative or usual, it will in any case, your child to spend your vacations with benefit.

By the way, we recommend in advance the most reputable science camp in Singapore –

An unforgettable educational experience for your child is guaranteed! The vacations will be fun, bright and full of science.

Unquestionable Benefits for the Child


During school vacations, a child can learn a lot from being at a children’s holiday camp. During school vacations, they learn to respect other people and even to take care of their parents. Most parents are happy when their child returns from vacation because they have learned how to take care of their loved ones, respect them, make good decisions, and be more responsible.

Being in the atmosphere of a children’s camp, the child begins to develop his or her social qualities, self-esteem, increases his or her own self-esteem and confidence in his or her abilities. All of these qualities help him or her become a leader and develop social skills. It is also important that in a children’s recreation center a child learns to trust other people and work as a team. If your child has found the right children’s science camp, every day will bring him or her many new discoveries.

Memories and Experiences

One or more shifts at a summer camp will give your child the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities where they can apply their strength, knowledge, social skills, and try to fulfill themselves. It is the camp environment that helps kids learn how to form friendships, and leave the most vivid memories and impressions afterwards.


At summer camp, kids learn to communicate and negotiate without their parents. This builds confidence in themselves, in their abilities and strengths. When parents or even grandparents are not around, the child begins to make their own decisions and build social connections and relationships.



Various activities and entertainment at summer camps bring kids together and help them learn to work in groups and coordinated teams. These are actually the basics of teamwork, which will be useful to the gradually maturing child for integration into adult society.

Role Models

Good summer camps attract highly professional, effective staff to work with kids. As a result, these mentors, counselors, and teachers can make excellent role models or role models.


At camp, kids become more responsible. Each child on the team (or troop) is assigned responsibilities and a certain amount of work that is solely their personal responsibility. This quality can be firmly cemented in your child and then help them greatly in later life.

Learning and the Pursuit of Knowledge

Summer camps usually have various workshops, competitions and contests that encourage and stimulate kids to learn new things and discover hidden talents.


While away from parents, a child begins to become independent and self-reliant. Instead of waiting for something to be done for him and brought on a platter, he learns to take the initiative because no one will do anything for him.

What Is Good About Day Camp?


Children are at this camp from 9:00 to 18:00, the shift lasts 5 days. Kids are the easiest to adapt to being at camp.

Of the disadvantages of this format of camps usually note that the child still spends the weekend at home. That is, he doesn’t get to experience all of life and, in fact, doesn’t change much of his usual way of life as a schoolboy. And also that a 9-year-old child would be bored in such a format. But in our camp, these disadvantages favorably transformed into pluses! After all, we invite only kids from 4 to 9 years. This is a great training “first camp” if you plan to arrange such a vacation for your child in the future.

Parents are free for 5 days, but the child is not away from home for a long time. The counselors are always in touch with the parents and give feedback in the general chat every day. The child does not have an acute period of adaptation, because the daily routine is really similar to the usual routine of kindergarten and school.

Camp, of course, is not a magic wand. A child can develop diligence, independence, and upon returning home lose these skills, returning to a familiar way of life. But the experience and impressions gained at camp really affect a child’s development. Can help consolidate everyday life and social skills. Camp broadens a child’s horizons and reveals a child’s strengths.

Camp is a kind of prototype of the adult world, where there are rules, laws, leaders and slaves. It is extremely important for a child to prove himself in a new environment, to learn how to properly contact and interact with peers. It is not unimportant that the parents, too, can have a little rest and be together during this time. This can also be attributed to the advantages of children’s stay in special centers. Being in a new, unfamiliar environment activates the child’s thinking and communicative abilities. He or she learns to adapt to circumstances, analyze, make decisions, and take responsibility for them.